¿Qué hago después de la indulgencia en Nueva York?

Durante la pandemia de Covid 19, muchos propietarios experimentaron una reducción en los ingresos debido a la pérdida del trabajo, la reducción del salario, la pérdida de horas extra, la pérdida de ingresos por alquiler o alguna combinación de estos. Como resultado, es posible que se hayan atrasado en los pagos mensuales de su hipoteca. […]

Should You Let Your Insurance Company Monitor Your Driving?

Many large auto insurers offer programs that will monitor you’re driving and give you a discount for safe driving. Additionally, there is one new insurance start-up that will require it. Is this discount worth the trade off in privacy? What Is Involved? The driving monitoring programs may use two different means to track your driving […]

New Bankruptcy Means Test Figures In New York Effective 11/1/20

As a NYC bankruptcy lawyer, David I. Pankin updates readers regularly on changes in bankruptcy law. The Justice Department has released new figures to be used when determining when the New York bankruptcy means test applies for cases filed after November 1, 2020. In the Bankruptcy Code, the means test is used to determine eligibility […]

Enticing Promotional Credit Card Offers And Bankruptcy

Introductory 0% APR Interest: New Purchases & Balance Transfers In a rush to attract new customers, many credit cards companies offer 0% APR incentives for limited introductory periods. Some cards offer the introductory 0% APR only on either purchases or balance transfers, but not both. A few cards offer an intro 0% APR on both. […]